Top-Notch Education ‘A Moral Obligation,’ Obama Tells Throng

The Democratic Party, led by Barack Obama, is facing challenges in meeting its goal of providing a high-quality education. There is a lack of agreement within the party on how to achieve this objective. Obama, in his speech accepting the Democratic presidential nomination, outlined his plans for education from preschool to college. While Democrats share the same goals, there is a disagreement on the specific policies to implement. Education advocates have presented different proposals on teacher pay and public school choice, both crucial components of Obama’s K-12 agenda.

Several forums and discussions took place before the official convention, where different camps presented their proposals for education reform. Inside the convention hall, education was briefly mentioned, but the federal No Child Left Behind Act received little attention. Obama, in his acceptance speech, did not delve into the internal party disagreement but reiterated his commitment to new approaches for teacher pay and school accountability. The party platform adopted at the convention includes Obama’s proposals on teacher pay, charter schools, and accountability in education.

However, the platform and Obama’s campaign rhetoric leave many questions unanswered regarding education policy. Various factions within the party have different perspectives on issues such as teacher pay and charter schools. Teachers’ unions and urban leaders have conflicting views on how teacher pay should be determined, whether it should be based on student performance or professional experience. Similarly, there is a divide among Democratic elected officials regarding the expansion of charter schools and public school choice. The lack of clarity in the party’s platform leaves room for further debate among Democrats if Obama and his running mate, Joseph R. Biden Jr., are elected.

A coalition of urban Democrats, distinct from the teachers’ unions, has been emerging even before the official start of the convention. They have been presenting alternative policies for education reform, challenging the positions advocated by the unions.

“The comment made by Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), was unfair,” Weingarten expressed in an interview during the convention. She believes that instead of promoting unity within the party, those advocating for certain education reforms are causing division and failing to demonstrate effective leadership. Weingarten also mentioned that she was not invited to the DFER seminar and expressed her gratitude for the efforts of the mayors involved, while criticizing their approach as they seem to be tearing down the very people they need to uplift.

The disagreement over education policy highlighted at this event is an extension of an ongoing debate among different factions of the Democratic Party. Some Democrats question the extent to which public schools can improve without addressing the overall well-being of the students, including their health, welfare, and economic status. Merit pay is one of the most divisive issues among teachers. Michelle Rhee and other proponents argue in favor of a compensation model that partially evaluates teachers based on their ability to enhance their students’ educational achievement.

On the other hand, the unions oppose this approach, emphasizing that it places excessive importance on a single measure and fails to consider external factors beyond teachers’ control. John Wilson, executive director of the National Education Association (NEA), explained in an interview that it is challenging to hold teachers accountable for test scores without holding students and parents accountable as well. Wilson and other teachers suggested that they would support increased compensation for engaging in professional development activities that improve their teaching skills. However, there is frustration among teachers like Tod Bowman, who feels that despite investing time and effort in enhancing their teaching, they are not seeing any financial rewards.

Supporters of pay plans based on student test scores argue that raises and bonuses should be awarded based on teachers’ success in improving student achievement. Philanthropist Eli Broad expressed this sentiment during a panel discussion on education issues. He believes that the focus should be on increasing student achievement, which will ultimately benefit both teachers and students.

Another point of contention among union leaders and Democratic allies is school choice, particularly charter schools. An emerging group of African-American politicians under the age of 50 is urging the Democratic Party to provide more options for public school choice. According to Peter C. Groff, president of the Colorado Senate, this younger generation prioritizes policy over race and party affiliations. This group includes politicians like Groff himself, Mayor Booker of Newark, and Mayor Adrian M. Fenty of Washington, among others. Former Senator Obama also embraced efforts to open new charter schools in Illinois when he served as a state senator from 1997 to 2005. Groff attributed the change in opinion among these politicians to the desires of their constituents.

Ultimately, the convention showcased the contrasting views within the Democratic Party regarding education policy, revealing divisions over merit pay, teacher accountability, and school choice.

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Enhancing communication skills is crucial for personal and professional growth. Effective communication allows individuals to convey ideas, thoughts, and emotions with clarity and confidence. It not only helps in building strong relationships but also aids in career development.

There are various ways to improve communication skills. One approach is to actively listen to others while engaging in conversations. By giving others your undivided attention, you demonstrate respect and empathy, leading to more fruitful discussions.

Another technique is to practice clarity in speech. Using precise and concise language helps in conveying messages effectively. Avoiding jargon and using simple terms ensures that the intended meaning is understood by all parties involved.

Non-verbal communication also plays a vital role in effective communication. Paying attention to body language, facial expressions, and gestures enhances understanding between individuals. Maintaining eye contact, for instance, demonstrates attentiveness and interest in the conversation.

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In conclusion, enhancing communication skills is a valuable endeavor that supports personal and professional development. Active listening, clear speech, non-verbal cues, cultural awareness, and seeking feedback are all key components in becoming an effective communicator.


  • calvinmerritt

    Calvin Merritt is an educational bloger who specializes in writing about educational topics. He has been writing for over a decade and has written for a variety of different platforms. His work has been featured on various websites and he has also been published in various magazines.