The Issue Of Healthcare In ‘The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-time Indian’

Health care is about improving health by treating and preventing disease, injury and illness in humans. There are many improvements in American health care, but there are still problems in Indian health care. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian demonstrates exactly how healthcare is handled in reservations. Healthcare is both a matter of benefit and concern.

There are many things that can impact your healthcare. Bad healthcare can make it difficult to be healthy, look good, and have a negative impact on your ability think. Good healthcare can help you avoid this. Substandard healthcare providers can have a negative impact on your health. Health care in America has been criticized for having a low number of doctors or reservations. The United States has 101,000 deaths each year due to the way it organizes its health care system. It is possible to ensure the right of health and keep records about health care. According to NESRI, “Since the social determinants, like race, wealth, and environment, strongly impact who becomes ill as well as who gets quality care. The United States healthcare system is disproportionately affected people living in poverty and people of color.” The United States has the highest average healthcare spending of any country. The federal government and state finance public healthcare in America. The United States spends approximately three to nine% of its total health budget on public health care. Access to health care is another key element. Medical care is often limited for many Americans. NCBI states that only 70% of Americans feel confident or very confident about receiving the best medical care if they are seriously ill. This shows just how confident Americans are regarding their ability to access health care and healthcare in the United States. The United States faces a challenge in terms of affordability in healthcare. Americans have to choose between a more expensive healthcare system or a less costly one. An American with a serious illness or an emergency care need will spend over one thousand dollars each year. Healthcare costs are difficult to pay for in America, where less than sixty-five percent of Americans have insurance. The healthcare system in reservations is very different from the United States. After witnesses said that healthcare in reservations is dangerous and could even be fatal, there was a hearing at the Senate. Medical daily said that “She was reportedly overmedicated and not properly trained staff. None of these people were available to check on her after she fell from her bed.” She was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. Funding is a major reason why reservations health care is so poor. The average IHS funding amount is 4.4 billion. However, 15 billion is needed by the IHS. Native Americans have an average life expectancy of four years lower than that of Americans. Because Native Americans are more at risk for diseases, suicide, and other health issues, their life expectancy is four years lower than that of an American. Certain areas on reservations can make it difficult and costly to visit a physician. According to NBCnews, “Wealthier Indian tribes can supplement government health care budgets with their own money.” However, poorer tribes on the remotest reservations are often left with substandard care. NBC News also states that the infant mortality rate of American Indians is 40% higher than that of whites. They are twice the likely to die of diabetes, 60 per cent more likely than whites to have a stroke and 30 per cent more likely that they have high blood sugar. There is not enough support for serious medical conditions among the health care providers on reservations. Many people who live on reservations are poor and have access to less-than-average health care. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian Indian Health Care in Reservations is being told. Sherman Alexie wrote about Arnold Spirit Jr., an Indian American teenager. Arnold relates his daily life on the reservation. The book’s narrator says that his teeth became so crowded that he couldn’t close his mouth. To be able to eat normal, I had to go to Indian Health Service. Funding is the major issue in healthcare. The Indian Health Service does not fund major dental work more than once a fiscal year. It is not easy to fund dental care. Arnold will have to leave when funding becomes available. Continued, the book shows that there are also healthcare problems. The author says that the Indian Health Service funded eyeglasses only once per year and only offered one style. This is similar to funding dental care once a fiscal year. Eye care is another concern. People on reservations are given the most basic and generic eyeglasses. Both Americans and reservations have a strong healthcare system. Americans have their disadvantages, but they are not as bad as people who live on reservations. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, which Arnold records his experiences on the reservation’s healthcare system, shows the importance of reservations. This illustrates a striking comparison between the healthcare provided to Americans and those who live on reservations. Healthcare is essential for your life and the way that you live it.


  • calvinmerritt

    Calvin Merritt is an educational bloger who specializes in writing about educational topics. He has been writing for over a decade and has written for a variety of different platforms. His work has been featured on various websites and he has also been published in various magazines.